NC State will facilitate a full-scale emergency preparedness exercise on Wednesday morning, Aug. 8, 2018, in and around portions of West Campus near the intersection of Varsity Drive and Sullivan Drive.
The exercise focuses on emergency-response training for NC State and local, county, state and federal responders by simulating a real-world emergency. Areas in and around the Worsley Administrative Services Complex between Wolf Village Way and Sullivan Drive will be affected. Some disruptions to normal operations are expected. Those in the area of the exercise should follow the directions of safety officers during the drill.
NC State frequently hosts emergency exercises to test university and outside agency response and operational capabilities. This exercise helps us test our plans and provides important training to a variety of unplanned situations that may impact the campus.
In the event of an actual emergency, campuswide evacuations are communicated by the WolfAlert Emergency Notification System. More information about WolfAlert and other important emergency management resources are available online at or
For questions, contact EMMC at 919-515-9657.
Emergency events that threaten the welfare, safety, or health of staff, faculty, students or visitors, though unforeseeable situations may be dealt with in such a way as to minimize the likelihood of injury or loss of life. NC State has developed procedures to help its personnel respond to a variety of emergencies. In the event of fire or potential emergency events such as severe medical situations, bomb threats, extreme weather conditions and power loss, the procedure for evacuation outlined in this policy shall be followed. Following this plan will assure a safe and orderly evacuation of the building in the shortest time. It should be noted that all buildings are equipped with fire extinguishers, emergency lighting and lighted EXIT signs, as required by law.
The university requires the cooperation of all staff, faculty, guests, and students in conducting training and drills and responding according to established procedures if such events arise. Training will be provided to assure that all employees follow appropriate emergency procedures.
Fire Evacuation Procedures
Upon the sounding of a fire alarm or an indication of a pre-signal on the monitor, a search will be conducted of the area from which the signal originates. If a fire or other emergency situation is confirmed, the Fire Marshal’s Office shall activate the general alarm and initiate emergency evacuation. Upon the sounding of a general alarm, a search of the building will be conducted to ensure that no one has been left in the building, to direct anyone found to an emergency exit, and assist in critical situations such as firefighting, medical care or disabled evacuation, when requested. Faculty, employees and students shall familiarize themselves with the location of emergency exits, the locations of fire alarm pull-stations and emergency telephones nearest the areas where they work or study.
Immediate Response Procedures
In the event of a fire, any employee or student discovering smoke and/or fire should perform the following activities as appropriate:
If fire is small:
- Report the findings at once to his/her supervisor if time permits;
- Attempt to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher; and
- Activate the nearest alarm by pulling a fire alarm pull-station or, in buildings where there is no fire alarm system, alert building occupants by word of mouth.
If fire is severe and threatening dial 911 for University Police, and provide the following information:
- Your name and location;
- Location of fire; and
- Details as requested
After reporting the fire, leave the building as quickly as possible. In case of electrical or other serious fire, no attempt should be made to deal with the fire unless such action is compatible with the safety of all concerned.
Evacuation Procedures
In the event that an emergency situation requires the complete evacuation of the floor or building, the following procedures will apply to all departments, employees, students, and visitors:
- An employee discovering a fire or other emergency necessitating a general alarm shall activate the fire or necessary alarm and call University Police, 919-515-3000 or 911 and give appropriate information.
- Everyone must leave the building immediately, in an orderly fashion, by the closest possible exit. Exit from emergency stairwells where indicated. Do not use elevators.
- The first person to reach any exit door should touch it to determine if it is hot. If the door feels hot, direct evacuating persons to an alternate exit route.
- In smoky areas, stay low (out of highest concentration of smoke).
- Maintain single file and keep to the right on stairways so that persons entering the stairwell from lower floors can merge safely into the line and emergency response personnel can use the opposite side.
- Once outside, report to the designated assembly area or move far away from the building. Do not obstruct the exit doors at street level. Clear the area.
- Remain in the assigned assembly area until instructed by the appropriate authority to return to the building or to move to a safer location.
- Do not re-enter the building until the Fire Marshal/Deputy Fire Marshal, Raleigh Fire, or University Police give an “All-Clear” signal.
- Obey the directions of public safety officers at all times.
Evacuation Procedures for People with Disabilities
At the beginning of each semester, the Disability Services Office provides the Environmental Health and Public Safety Division a comprehensive list of disabled students and the type of disability to enable the division and these students to plan for possible evacuation. The division also maintains a list of university employees who self-identify a disability with the division. University employees and students are encouraged to communicate to University Police or Fire Marshals, as they exit, the location of any disabled person.
In the event of a fire:
- Elevators may be used for wheelchair access.
- Disabled persons are to be evacuated by the stairwells with the assistance of Marshals or Raleigh Fire.
- Generally, wheelchairs should not be carried down the stairs; a person who, for reasons of personal health or safety, may not be removed from his or her wheelchair must so inform the Marshals
- Evac-chairs, if available, should be brought to assist the non-ambulatory