Protecting the Pack in Partnership
All of us, in various ways, have discussed how to impact change with students who have returned to campus. The community standards and new social norms are CRUCIAL to minimizing spread of COVID-19 and we have a short window of opportunity to do more education.

Welcome Back Pack!
Returning to campus this fall is a bit different – we must Protect the Pack in light of COVID-19. In efforts to educate everyone on the need to uphold community standards, we invite you to be our Protecting the Pack Patrol partner on campus!
Help us extend conversation with folks, give free face coverings for those not wearing them and give out information that reminds everyone of the shared expectation – we must all protect the pack. The idea is more informal than not and requires a team effort to cover our various campus areas.
How to get involved?
Sign up to be a partner. Various times, days and areas need your partnership.
Wear red, wear a name tag or university ID while representing programs.
Wear red, wear a name tag or university ID while representing programs.
What do you need?
“Protect the Pack” supplies, including education cards and face coverings are available in Environmental Health and Safety Center. Extra cards are available at Talley Student Center Information Desk. Come by and pick up supplies to share during your roving!
When do we get started?
Now! As you take walks on campus, help with this effort! Sign up for specific windows and bring a friend! Get your steps in while meeting new people with this program.
If you have team members who may be interested and available – think job posting: good personality, bright smile (behind your mask) and good walking shoes – you are hired!