Severe Weather Preparedness Week

What you should know about Severe Weather

  • Know what to do before, during, and after severe weather.
  • Create a communications plan with your family before severe weather hits.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.
  • Listen to local officials.
  • Check your insurance policies to ensure you have enough coverage.
  • Evacuate if advised by local authorities.

March 1-7 is Severe Weather Preparedness Week! Check out these tips to stay informed.

The National Weather service will alert you if there is an impending storm or something of concern. REMEMBER:

A WATCH- conditions are favorable and likely for severe weather in the coming hours

A WARNING- severe weather is imminent or occuring

  • Prepare now when the weather is not bad
  • If a watch is issued, get your plan ready to deploy
  • If a warning is issued, put your plan into action
  • The first step should be to seek sturdy shelter immediately

You can be alerted to weather communications through the following channels:

  • Local Weather Channels (WRAL, etc.)
  • NWS Raleigh
  • Emergency Alerts System- WolfAlert if it reaches this level of campus impact

Make a Plan and Prepare now!

  • The first step in making sure that you are prepared is developing an emergency communications plan- This plan will elaborate on your preparations if a storm or bad weather were to occur. The details might include where you will seek shelter or even where your emergency kit is located.
  • Your family may not be together when a disaster strikes, so it is important to have this plan prepared. This will include how you will get to a safe space, how you will contact one another, how you will get back together, and what you will do in different situations.

The website has created a simple way to make an emergency plan!