Is your student an incoming freshman at NC State? Follow these tips to make sure your student is prepared for their first year at college.
- Know Your Contacts
- Stay Safe on Campus
- Sign up for Wolf
- Download the OnCampus App
- Be PackReady!
Know Your Contacts
- Do you know your student
‘ s cellphone number and have that written down? Take the time before your child comes to campus to sit down and make sure that you have their number and email written down so that you can easily contact them.
Stay Safe on Campus
- Have your student highlight where on campus the blue lights are located. Also teach your student to pay attention to emergency exits within a building (whether it be their dorm or their classroom)
- Use this
bluelight map to locate where they are on campus.
Sign up for Wolf Alerts
- Follow these step by step instructions on how to make sure your student signs up for the Wolf Alert text messaging system!
Download the OnCampus App
- As a parent, you are not eligible to sign up for texts through WolfAlert but if you download the OnCampus app through the app store or google play store there is a link to find out what is going on around campus. This allows you to get WolfAlerts through the app and make sure that your student is up to date.
Be PACKready!
In the case of an emergency, what is your student’s plan to
- Make a Plan- Have a personal plan- select a meeting place for friends and family
- Pack a Bag- Grab the necessities for a couple of days- check the weather before you do
- Take Action- Be ready to move on a moment’s notice- sometimes there is no lead time
Additional Resources
Campus Police – Call 919-515-3000
Be #PACKReady