Most people are familiar with shelter in place and evacuation planning from grade school. We practiced tornado drills and knelt in the hallways with head down. For fire drills, we lined up in single file lines and headed for the nearest exit. Planning for these events is no different at work, it just requires a bit more planning to cover all the bases.
Chapter two of Pack Plans is dedicated to Fire and Life Safety, which includes fire alarm testing, fire evacuation maps/floor plans and shelter in place basic information. All of this information is maintained in partnership with Environmental Health and Safety’s Fire and Life Safety section and Facilities Division.
Let’s break this down into sections – what is in the folder and why? How can you best use it? How can I get things updated when changes are made?
Evacuation Planning
What’s in Chapter two?
Evacuation planning takes a concerted effort to get all the information ready for sharing and posting. Most people are familiar with evacuation maps that are posted in highly visible locations and commons area – the idea is to read a map quick on the way out! In an evacuation, exit the facility the quickest and safest way possible, heading to the designated rally point for your groups. In any evacuation, do not leave the designated meeting area after exiting the facility. Your absence will be interpreted that you are still in the danger area and one or more persons may risk their lives looking for you. Building occupants should gather outside at a clearly designated location and await further instructions. Occupants will be advised by University Police or Environmental Health and Safety when it is safe to return. Whenever possible, turn off all power and gas lines and close all doors before evacuating.
We’ve compiled floor plans and evacuation maps, fire alarm testing and maintenance schedules.
How best to use Chapter two information?
This information can be shared and used in training, exercises or even team meetings. You can also reprint any missing maps in your area using the Adobe file.
- Action Item 1: Familiarize yourself with all evacuation routes in your work buildings.
- Action Item 2: Know the designated evacuation assembly areas outside your work buildings.
How do I get Chapter two information updated?
As buildings are modified, Facilities and Fire and Life Safety work together to provide updated maps. However, not all building modifications are recorded quickly, so you can contact Emergency Management and Mission Continuity to get changes processed faster!
Shelter in Place Planning
Shelter in Place Planning is intended for severe weather events and can be extended into Active Shooter or hazardous material preparedness planning as well.
Shelter-in-Place means selecting a small, interior room if possible, with no or few windows, and taking refuge there. It does not mean sealing off your entire building. If you are told to shelter-in-place, follow the instructions provided. In your workspace or residence area, think about where you would shelter and what you would need with you – your phone, water, anything else? Then, look to see if your evacuation plan has shelter in place locations identified for the work area and if not, contact us!
- Action Item 3: Review the severe weather and shelter in place plans for your department.
Lots of information on WolfAlert related severe weather and shelter in place activities is located at
NC State OIT Update – Please Read!
June 30, 2019 is the deadline for Phase 1 implementation of the Endpoint Protection Standard (EPS) – (RUL 08.0018). The enrollment deadline for most people is June and IT security and disaster recovery planning is a part of everyone’s plan. For more information and to see what you need to do, visit Endpoint Protection Standard (EPS) – Guidance.