Are you looking for New Year’s Resolutions or action items to accomplish in the new year? Look no further and resolve to finish your personal pack plan. Having a preparedness plan can equip you with skills and knowledge for what to do in the case of an emergency. Think about the following things when you are finishing up your plan!
What types of emergencies could impact you?
- Inclement Weather- Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Snow, Severe Rain and Wind, Flooding
- Fire
- Medical Emergencies
- Other Emergencies that might impact work and home life: Bomb Threat, Suspicious Packages, Hazardous Material Spill, etc.
Take note of a Watch vs. a Warning:
Watch –indicates a particular weather hazard is possible – remain alert for approaching storms
Warning –indicates a particular weather hazard is imminent or has been reported
How would you respond? Where would you go? Think about the details!
If an emergency occurred and you were at your home, how would you leave? Plan an evacuation route and ensure that your family knows where your meeting point is. A personal emergency plan should have alternate locations in case your home is impacted, emergency phone numbers (cause cell phone batteries will go dead without power to charge), and emergency medical information should you need assistance. We challenge you to take five minutes each day and just write these things down (on paper, not on your phone), so that you will be ready if the time comes.
Have you packed an emergency kit?
Think about things you would need if you had to pack up and go for 72 hours! Take note of the following items:
- At least 1 gallon of drinking water
- Blankets or sleeping bag
- Non-perishable food and can opener
- Flashlight with batteries
- First aid kit
- Prescription medication and eyeglasses
- Food for pets
- Extra clothing items